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Indian Indulgence + Cookbook Giveaway at VHP

I told you about our shopping excursion last week when we went to the Asian market and Trader Joes. Since it usually adds up to over two hours of driving and easily over two hours of shopping (the way I shop, anyway, as in going up and down EVERY aisle!), we also take the opportunity to go to lunch and make a day of it.

There are lots of great ethnic restaurants in the Centreville area. Our current favorite is called Masala Country and it serves mostly Southern Indian food, as well as Indian fusion, with elements of Thai and Chinese. We especially enjoy the Southern Indian specialties that we haven’t been able to find anywhere else in the area.

The top photo is the hauntingly delicious Manchurian cauliflower appetizer, so spicy and good. This is the uttapam — an Indian pancake made with green chiles, green onion, and cilantro, served with a vegetable sambar.

Next is the magnificent dosa — made with lentil flour, this crispy delicate crepe is filled with a spicy potato mixture and served with sambar. As you can see, it’s bigger than the plate it is served on, but is so light, eating the whole thing is not a problem.

Needless to say, we didn’t need to eat again until the next day and even brought home some leftovers. With the promise of a lunch like this, it makes me want to go shopping again real soon!

COOKBOOK GIVEAWAY: My hubby’s company, Vegan Heritage Press is giving away a copy of their latest cookbook, The Blooming Platter Cookbook: A Harvest of Seasonal Vegan Recipes by Betsy DiJulio. It’s a fantastic book with great recipes and gorgeous photos. Head on over to the VHP blog and enter to win!



From the Asian Market

The nearest Asian market is a little over an hour away, so I usually keep an ongoing list and when it gets long enough or we feel like a drive (whichever comes first) we hit the road and bring back a carload of goodies.

The Grand Mart in Centreville Va has a huge fresh produce section. I always make it a point to buy at least a few things I’ve never had before along with some favorites — they have such good prices.  The photo shows a selection of this week’s haul.  In addition to perfect smallish Italian eggplants, a ton of Thai and Italian basil, and tiny potatoes, I got some pipiane squash (they look similar to zucchini); round yellow Indian cucumbers (they look like tennis balls); batata yams; and a huge bag of Shanghai tips (like baby bok choy, only really small).  I also got some perfectly sweet yellow mangos.

Now I just have to decide how to prepare everything!


Easter Pie 2011

I know you’ve all been waiting breathlessly for the unveiling of this year’s Easter Pie. Ta Da!  Here it is: I made a traditional looking pie, just like mom used to make.  Only difference is mine doesn’t contain meat, eggs, or cheese, like hers did — even her crust had eggs in it!  Talk about cholesterol…

Thanks to the miracle of spices, including a hefty dose of cayenne, red pepper flakes, ground and whole fennel seeds, and paprika, this vegan Easter Pie tastes just like Mom’s!  Mine is made with tofu and vegan sausage.  Although this is an Italian tradition, I think anyone who likes spicy savory pies would enjoy this. The recipe is here.

Happy Easter!


Apple-Pecan Haroset

I love haroset.  What’s not to love about juicy sweet apples mixed with crunchy nuts and chewy raisins?  My recipe for Apple-Pecan Haroset is posted on GoDairyFree.org.  The recipe is from the Passover Menu in Party Vegan

I think haroset is too good to just serve once a year.  I recently made it to accompany a dinner of halushki (sauteed cabbage and onions with pasta).  I’m also planning to serve it alongside this year’s Easter Pie.  Speaking of Easter Pie, it’s almost that time!  Read all about it in my next post…


An Open Letter

Dear Friends,
In recent days, a few of you have written to me to express your concern over the VegNews debacle. I am, of course, saddened by the situation. It’s good to know that VN has now apologized. Hopefully it will help heal the damage that has been done to the vegan community by all the divisiveness.  On a personal level, I am also disappointed that “stockphoto-gate” has cast a suspicious light on the covers of my two recent vegan cookbooks, Party Vegan and Vegan on the Cheap. I’d like to share some facts about the publishing industry in general, and my books in particular, to help everyone gain some much-needed perspective:

In my experience, it is written into most standard book contracts that the author has no “approval rights” in the final cover design of a book. Sure, I can tell a publisher what I’d like to see, but they are under no obligation to comply with my wishes. On good faith, I generally trust that a publisher will choose vegan photos to illustrate my vegan recipes.

When my two recent books came out, I didn’t go searching for the stock photo images to see if they were labeled as vegan or not.  I assumed they were. At the same time, I knew it was also possible that certain ingredients weren’t even real food of any kind, since it’s well known that professional food photographers don’t always use real food.  For example, they sometimes use shaving cream to represent sour cream and vegetable shortening in place of ice cream. (I actually think the “feta” on my VOTC cover looks more like little Styrofoam pellets than it does feta, vegan or otherwise.) I simply accepted the photos as representations of my recipes. Now that I’m aware of this issue, I will, from now on, insist that vegan-only photography of my recipes accompany my work.

As many of you know, vegan cooking is my activism.  My purpose in life is to provide vegan recipes to as many people as possible through my books, articles, and other media. I do this primarily for the animals and also to help improve everyone’s health.  I stand by the quality of my work, my books, and my recipes.  I encourage all my fans to please continue to enjoy my recipes in Vegan on the Cheap and Party Vegan—the recipes are what really matter, and the content is 100% vegan. 

As the old expression goes, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater” — don’t punish me, (or yourselves, if you like my work) just because a company chose to illustrate my work with a few questionable photos. I promise to be on guard to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Getting veganism into the mainstream has been an uphill battle for those of us who can consider ourselves veterans.  I’ve been writing vegan cookbooks since the mid-nineties (even though back then most publishers wouldn’t even allow “vegan” in the book titles!) I will continue to work hard every day to make veganism a viable force in this world. Because the VN story has been all over mainstream media, it has already done damage to our vegan community that is only now achieving credibility in this omni world of ours. I implore the otherwise well-meaning people out there to please put this issue into perspective and direct your attention and energies to more important matters. Let’s get back to making great vegan food, helping animals, and living healthier, happier lives. I look forward to continuing to develop and share great vegan recipes. If you have any questions about my work, I hope that you will contact me directly.

Most sincerely,

Robin Robertson

UPDATE:  VegNews has issued an apology. My original letter has been updated to reflect this new development. Maybe we can put this behind us now.


Lemon-Scented Roasted Asparagus Bundles

Because I’m crazy for asparagus, I love this time of year when tender and slender asparagus is plentiful and reasonably priced. I know I should try growing my own, but — not to sound commitment phobic and too much into instant gratification—let’s face it, asparagus isn’t the easiest or quickest thing to grow. Instead, I’ll probably just continue to buy up all that I can when it’s in season.

When I cook asparagus, I almost exclusively roast it because of how fabulous it tastes. And it looks so good on the plate, especially dressed up with lemon zest and little scallion ribbons. With Passover and Easter both on the calendar this week, these lemony asparagus bundles would make an ideal inclusion for either of those special menus. And it couldn’t be easier to make.

I just arrange the asparagus in a single layer on an oiled baking sheet, drizzle with a little olive oil and salt and pepper and then roast at 425 degrees until tender (the time depends on the thickness of the asparagus).

To make them into bundles, just steam the long green part of a few scallions for about 30 seconds, just long enough to make them pliable. Then, when ready to serve, just gather a “bundle” of the cooked asparagus and lay it across a softened scallion, then gently tie the scallion in a knot and serve.

These asparagus bundles are part of my Passover menu in Party Vegan: Fabulous Fun Food for Every Occasion.