• own one or more slow cookers or “crock pots” (please list quart size and brand)
• enjoy cooking with a variety of vegan ingredients
• be detail-oriented and good at following recipes (previous testing experience a plus)
• agree to provide a critique of each recipe tested (ability to provide photos of tested recipes a plus)
• be willing to test 15 to 20 recipes between August 1 and November 1
If this sounds like you, and you’d like to help me out by testing recipes, please e-mail me at robin@globalvegankitchen.com and tell me why you’d make a great recipe tester. Be sure to include the brand and quart size of your slow cooker(s) and mention if you’ve tested recipes before, as well as if you can take photos of the recipes you test.
If you are chosen to be a tester, I’ll e-mail you with the news! I know there are lots of great testers out there, so let me hear from you no later than July 6th, so I have time to go through all the e-mails — I know it will be a tough decision.
In return for their help, those who test more than 15 recipes will receive a copy of the book, and I’ll also thank every recipe tester on the Acknowledgments page. So, if you enjoy using a slow cooker and want to be considered to help with recipe testing, please let me know.
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I know you wrote this post looking for volunteers in 2011, but I’m so bummed I missed it! I’m a private cook, going through about twenty recipes a week and always on the lookout for more. If you ever need a future tester, I’m available!
I’ll be in touch Virginia. Thanks!